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WoW Classic Alchemy Leveling Guide (1-300)

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0 Simple Steps to Get Your Alchemy to 300 in WoW Classic

Welcome to our Classic WoW Alchemy Leveling Guide, designed to help you quickly and cost-effectively level your Alchemy skill from 1 to 300. Alchemy is a powerful profession when combined with Herbalism, allowing you to save gold by gathering your own herbs rather than buying them from the Auction House.

Approximate Materials Required:

Please note that some recipes in this guide are "yellow" meaning they won't grant skill points every time. We've added 10-20 extra herbs for most recipes, but you may need more if you have bad luck. ;c

1 - 60 Alchemy Materials

65 x Peacebloom
65 x Silverleaf

65 x Empty Vial

60 - 140 Alchemy Materials

65 x Minor Healing Potion (crafted on 1-60)
100 x Briarthorn
20 x Bruiseweed

20 x Empty Vial
35 x Leaded Vial

140 - 210 Alchemy Materials

20 x Mageroyal
50 x Stranglekelp
35 x Liferoot
35 x Kingsblood
30 x Goldthorn

20 x Empty Vial
65 x Leaded Vial

210 - 300 Alchemy Materials

5 x Wild Steelbloom
5 x Goldthorn
75 x Sungrass
15 x Khadgar's Whisker
45 x Arthas' Tear
60 x Blindweed
40 x Golden Sansam
20 x Mountain Silversage

5 x Leaded Vial
110 x Crystal Vial

Alchemy Materials Summary

65 x Peacebloom
65 x Silverleaf
100 x Briarthorn
20 x Bruiseweed
20 x Mageroyal
50 x Stranglekelp
35 x Liferoot
35 x Kingsblood
35 x Goldthorn
5 x Wild Steelbloom
75 x Sungrass
15 x Khadgar's Whisker
45 x Arthas' Tear
60 x Blindweed
40 x Golden Sansam
20 x Mountain Silversage

105 x Empty Vial
105 x Leaded Vial
110 x Crystal Vial

Make sure that you have some extra materials because there is some recipes that can be "yellow". If you will be unlucky enough — you will need 5 - 10 extra of each herb.

Classic Alchemy Trainers Locations in WoW Classic Era:

Apprentice Alchemy Trainers ( 1 - 75 )

To start working on Alchemy you need to become Apprentice Alchemist by learning Apprentice Alchemist skill. To do that you need to find Alchemist trainer with <Journeyman Alchemist> tag. That will allow you to make your way <b>up to 75 skill points</b>.

Horde Journeyman Alchemist Trainers:

<b>Whuut </b>in Orgrimmar
<b>Doctor Martin Felben</b> in Undercity
<b>Kray </b>in Thunder Bluff
<b>Carolai Anise</b> in Tirisfal Glades (Brill)
<b>Miao'zan</b> in Durotar (Sen'jin Village)

Alliance Journeyman Alchemist Trainers:

<b>Vosur Brakthel</b> in Ironforge
<b>Tel'Athir</b> in Stormwind City
<b>Milla Fairancora</b> in Darnassus
<b>Alchemist Mallory</b> in Elwyn Forest (hut east from Stormwind City)
<b>Cyndra Kindwhisper</b> in Teldrassil (Dolanaar)

Journeyman Alchemist Trainers ( 75 - 150 )

To go above 75 skill points you need to become Journeyman Alchemist by learning Journeyman Alchemist skill. To do that you need to find Alchemist trainer with <Expert Alchemist> tag. That will allow you to make your way <b>up to 150 skill points</b>.

Horde Expert Alchemist Trainers:

<b>Yelmak</b> in Orgrimmar
<b>Bena Winterhoof</b> in Thunder Bluff
<b>Serge Hinott</b> in Hillsbrad Foothills (Tarren Mill)
<b>Doctor Marsh</b> in Undercity

Alliance Expert Alchemist Trainers:

<b>Lilyssia Nightbreeze</b> in Stormwind City
<b>Tally Berryfizz</b> in Ironforge
<b>Kylanna</b> in Ashenvale (Camp thats nearby Talondeep Path)
<b>Alchemist Narett</b> in Dustwallow Marsh (Theramore Isle)
<b>Sylvanna Forestmoon</b> in Darnassus

Neutral Expert Alchemist Trainers:

<b>Jaxin Chong</b> in Stranglethorn Vale (Booty Bay)

Expert Alchemist Trainers ( 150 - 225 )

To go above 150 skill points you need to become Expert Alchemist by learning Expert Alchemist skill. To do that you need to find Alchemist trainer with <Artisan Alchemist> tag. That will allow you to make your way <b>up to 225 skill points</b>.

Horde Artisan Alchemist Trainer:

<b>Doctor Herbert Halsey</b> in Undercity

Alliance Artisan Alchemist Trainer:

<b>Ainethil</b> in Darnassus

Artisan Alchemist Trainers ( 225 - 300 )

To go above 225 skill points you need to become Artisan Alchemist by learning Artisan Alchemist skill. To do that you need to find Alchemist trainer with <Master Alchemist> tag. That will allow you to make your way <b>up to 300 skill points</b>.

Horde Master Alchemist Trainer:

<b>Rogvar</b> in Swamp of Sorrows (Stonard)

Alliance Master Alchemist Trainer:

<b>Kylanna Windwhisper</b> in Feralas (Feathermoon Stronghold)

Leveling Classic Era Alchemy:

1 - 60

Craft 65 x Minor Healing Potion
You will need 65 x Peacebloom, 65 x Silverleaf, and 65 x Empty Vial.

<b>Keep these potions for the next step.</b>

Journeyman Alchemy Leveling:

To increase your Alchemy skill beyond level 75, you need to be level 10 or higher and learn Journeyman Alchemist skill from <Expert Alchemist> trainer.

Horde Expert Alchemist Trainers:

<b>Yelmak</b> in Orgrimmar
<b>Bena Winterhoof</b> in Thunder Bluff
<b>Serge Hinott</b> in Hillsbrad Foothills (Tarren Mill)
<b>Doctor Marsh</b> in Undercity

Alliance Expert Alchemist Trainers:

<b>Lilyssia Nightbreeze</b> in Stormwind City
<b>Tally Berryfizz</b> in Ironforge
<b>Kylanna</b> in Ashenvale (Camp thats nearby Talondeep Path)
<b>Alchemist Narett</b> in Dustwallow Marsh (Theramore Isle)
<b>Sylvanna Forestmoon</b> in Darnassus

Neutral Expert Alchemist Trainers:

<b>Jaxin Chong</b> in Stranglethorn Vale (Booty Bay)

60 - 140

60 - 110

Craft 65 x Lesser Healing Potion
You will need 65 x Minor Healing Potion and 65 x Briarthorn

110 - 140

Craft 35 x Healing Potion
You will need 35 x Bruiseweed, 35 x Briarthorn and 35 x Leaded Vial

Expert Alchemy Leveling:

To increase your Alchemy skill beyond level 150, you need to be level 20 and learn Expert Alchemist skill from <Artisan Alchemist> trainer.

Horde Artisan Alchemist Trainer:

<b>Doctor Herbert Halsey</b> in Undercity

Alliance Artisan Alchemist Trainer:

<b>Ainethil</b> in Darnassus

Recipe to catch

Before you leave Undercity (if you play horde) or Darnassus (if you play Alliance) its important to catch recipe that you will need later.

Recipe: Superior Mana Potion will be needed afterwards (260+) to catch that recipe visit following vendors:
<b>Algernon</b> (Undercity)
<b>Ulthir</b> (Darnassus)

140 - 155

Craft 20 x Lesser Mana Potion
You will need 20 x Mageroyal, 20 x Stranglekelp and 20 x Empty Vial

155 - 185

Craft 35 x Greater Healing Potion
You will need 35 x Liferoot, 35 x Kingsblood and 35 x Leaded Vial

185 - 210

Craft 30 x Elixir of Agility
You will need 30 x Stranglekelp, 30 x Goldthorn and 30 x Leaded Vial

Artisan Alchemy Leveling:

To increase your Alchemy skill beyond level 225, you need to be level 35 and learn Artisan Alchemist skill from <Master Alchemist> trainer.

You can find them here:

Horde Master Alchemist Trainer:

<b>Rogvar</b> in Swamp of Sorrows (Stonard)

Alliance Master Alchemist Trainer:

<b>Kylanna Windwhisper</b> in Feralas (Feathermoon Stronghold)

210 - 265

210 - 215

Craft 5 x Elixir of Greater Defense
You will need 5 x Wild Steelbloom, 5 x Goldthorn and 5 x Leaded Vial

215 - 230

Craft 15 x Superior Healing Potion
You will need 15 x Sungrass, 15 x Khadgar's Whisker and 15 x Crystal Vial

230 - 265

Craft 45 x Elixir of Detect Undead
You will need 45 x Arthas' Tears and 45 x Crystal Vial

265 - 300

Craft 30 x Superior Mana Potion
You will need 60 x Sungrass, 60 x Blindweed and 30 x Crystal Vial

Recipe: Superior Mana Potion can be bought from auction house or you can get it from vendors:
<b>Algernon</b> (Undercity)
<b>Ulthir</b> (Darnassus)

You will need to get next recipe in Winterspring (Everlook) from <b>Evie Whirlbrew</b> (its limited supply like previous Mana Potion so check auction house for that as well). You need to buy Recipe: Major Healing Potion.

Craft 20 x Major Healing Potion
You will need 40 x Golden Sansam, 20 x Mountain Silversage and 20 x Crystal Vial

Thats it!

Gz, friend! Now you have your alchemy ready for your adventures at 60!
We hope that this guide was helpful to you!

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