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WoW Classic Leatherworking Leveling Guide (1-300)

Welcome to our Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide, meticulously designed to help you efficiently and cost-effectively raise your Leatherworking skill from 1 to 300.

Leatherworking harmoniously pairs with Skinning, allowing you to save gold by gathering your own materials rather than relying on the Auction House.

Approximate Materials Required:

1 β€” 55 Leatherworking Materials

57 x Ruined Leather Scraps
80 x Light Leather

20 x Coarse Thread

55 β€” 137 Leatherworking Materials

390 x Light Leather
60 x Medium Leather

180 x Coarse Thread
30 x Fine Thread
15 x Gray Dye

137 β€” 205 Leatherworking Materials

275 x Medium Leather
195 x Heavy Leather
25 x Thick Leather
20 x Heavy Hide <b>(only if you are crafting hides by yourself)</b>
20 x Cured Heavy Hide <b>(only if you are buying hide from AH)</b>

55 x Fine Thread
15 x Silken Thread
20 x Gray Dye
60 x Salt <b>(only if you are crafting hides by yourself)</b>

205 β€” 300 Leatherworking Materials

618 x Thick Leather
404 x Rugged Leather

140 x Silken Thread
26 x Heavy Silken Thread
43 x Rune Thread
33 x Black Dye
100 x Runecloth

Pattern: Wicked Leather Gauntlets
Pattern: Runic Leather Headband

Summary (1 - 300 Leatherworking Materials)

57 x Ruined Leather Scraps
470 x Light Leather
335 x Medium Leather
195 x Heavy Leather
643 x Thick Leather
404 x Rugged Leather

20 x Heavy Hide <b>(only if you are crafting hides by yourself)</b>
20 x Cured Heavy Hide <b>(only if you are buying hide from AH)</b>

200 x Coarse Thread
85 x Fine Thread
155 x Silken Thread
26 x Heavy Silken Thread
43 x Rune Thread

35 x Gray Dye
33 x Black Dye
60 x Salt <b>(only if you are crafting hides by yourself)</b>
100 x Runecloth

Pattern: Wicked Leather Gauntlets
Pattern: Runic Leather Headband

Leatherworking Trainers Locations in WoW Classic Era:

Apprentice Leatherworking Trainers (1 β€” 75)

To begin your Leatherworking journey (1 - 75), you need to be level 5 or higher and learn Apprentice Leatherworking skill from <Journeyman Leatherworker> trainer.

Horde Journeyman Leatherworker trainers:

Chaw Stronghide in Mulgore (Bloodhoof Village)
Dan Golthas in Undercity (Rogues Quarter inner circle)
Shelene Rhobart in Tirisfal Glades (at the small camp on the road from Undercity to EPL)
Mak in Thunder Bluff
Kamari in Orgrimmar (the Drag)

Alliance Journeyman Leatherworker trainers:

Randal Worth in Stormwind City (Old Town)
Gretta Finespindle in Ironforge (North-West side of the Great Forge)
Nadyia Maneweaver in Teldrassil (nearby the road from Dalanaar to Darnassus before the turn to the Oracle Glade)
Adele Fielder in Elwynn Forest (at the hut east side of road from Goldshire to Northshire)
Darianna in Darnassus (at Craftsmen's Terrace)

Neutral Journeyman Leatherworker trainers:

Waldor in Barrens (Wailing Caverns entrance, at the "left eye" above the entrance)

Journeyman Leatherworking Trainers (75 β€” 150)

To increase your Leatherworking skill beyond level 75, you need to be level 10 or higher and learn Journeyman Leatherworking skill from <Expert Leatherworker> trainer.

Horde Expert Leatherworker trainers:

Karolek in Orgrimmar (the Drag)
Arthur Moore in Undercity (Rogues Quarter inner circle)
Tarn in Thunder Bluff
Krulmoo Fullmoon in Barrens (Camp Taurajo)
Brawn in Stranglethorn Vale (Grom'Gol Basecamp)

Alliance Expert Leatherworker trainers:

Simon Tanner in Stormwind City
Fimble Finespindle in Ironforge
Aayndia Floralwind in Ashenvale (Astraanaar)
Faldron in Darnassus

Artisan Leatherworking Trainers (150 β€” 225)

To increase your Leatherworking skill beyond level 150, you need to be level 20 or higher and learn Expert Leatherworking skill from <Artisan Leatherworker> trainer.

Horde Artisan Leatherworker trainers:

Una in Thunder Bluff

Alliance Artisan Leatherworker trainers:

Telonis in Darnassus (at Craftsmen's Terrace)

Master Leatherworking Trainers (225 β€” 300)

To increase your Leatherworking skill beyond level 225, you need to be level 35 or higher and learn Artisan Leatherworking skill from <Master Leatherworker> trainer.

Horde Master Leatherworker trainers:

Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas (at Camp Mojache)

Alliance Master Leatherworker trainers:

Drakk Stonehand in Hinterlands (at Aerie Peak)

Leveling Classic Era Leatherworking (1 β€” 55):

To begin your Leatherworking journey (1 - 75), you need to be level 5 or higher and learn Apprentice Leatherworking skill from <Journeyman Leatherworker> trainer.

Horde Journeyman Leatherworker trainers:

Chaw Stronghide in Mulgore (Bloodhoof Village)
Dan Golthas in Undercity (Rogues Quarter inner circle)
Shelene Rhobart in Tirisfal Glades (at the small camp on the road from Undercity to EPL)
Mak in Thunder Bluff
Kamari in Orgrimmar (the Drag)

Alliance Journeyman Leatherworker trainers:

Randal Worth in Stormwind City (Old Town)
Gretta Finespindle in Ironforge (North-West side of the Great Forge)
Nadyia Maneweaver in Teldrassil (nearby the road from Dalanaar to Darnassus before the turn to the Oracle Glade)
Adele Fielder in Elwynn Forest (at the hut east side of road from Goldshire to Northshire)
Darianna in Darnassus (at Craftsmen's Terrace)

Neutral Journeyman Leatherworker trainers:

Waldor in Barrens (Wailing Caverns entrance, at the "left eye" above the entrance)

1 - 55

1 - 20

Craft 20 x Light Leather
You will need 57 x Ruined Leather Scraps

20 - 45

Craft 40 x Light Armor Kit
You will need 40 x Light Leather

45 - 55

Craft 20 x Handstitched Leather Cloak
You will need 40 x Light Leather and 20 x Coarse Thread

Journeyman Leatherworking Leveling (75 β€” 150):

To increase your Leatherworking skill beyond level 75, you need to be level 10 or higher and learn Journeyman Leatherworking skill from <Expert Leatherworker> trainer.

Horde Expert Leatherworker trainers:

Karolek in Orgrimmar (the Drag)
Arthur Moore in Undercity (Rogues Quarter inner circle)
Tarn in Thunder Bluff
Krulmoo Fullmoon in Barrens (Camp Taurajo)
Brawn in Stranglethorn Vale (Grom'Gol Basecamp)

Alliance Expert Leatherworker trainers:

Simon Tanner in Stormwind City
Fimble Finespindle in Ironforge
Aayndia Floralwind in Ashenvale (Astraanaar)
Faldron in Darnassus

55 - 137

55 - 100

Craft 50 x Embossed Leather Gloves
You will need 150 x Light Leather and 100 x Coarse Thread

100 - 125

Craft 40 x Fine Leather Belt
You will need 240 x Light Leather and 80 x Coarse Thread

125 - 137

Craft 15 x Dark Leather Boots
You will need 60 x Medium Leather, 30 x Fine Thread and 15 x Gray Dye

Expert Leatherworking Leveling (150 β€” 225):

To increase your Leatherworking skill beyond level 150, you need to be level 20 or higher and learn Expert Leatherworking skill from <Artisan Leatherworker> trainer.

Horde Artisan Leatherworker trainers:

Una in Thunder Bluff

Alliance Artisan Leatherworker trainers:

Telonis in Darnassus (at Craftsmen's Terrace)

137 - 205

137 - 150

Craft 20 x Dark Leather Pants
You will need 240 x Medium Leather, 20 x Fine Thread and 20 x Gray Dye

150 - 155

Craft 7 x Heavy Leather
You will need 35 x Medium Leather

155 - 165

Craft 20 x Cured Heavy Hide
You will need 20 x Heavy Hide and 60 x Salt

165 - 180

Craft 15 x Heavy Armor Kit
You will need 75 x Heavy Leather and 15 x Fine Thread

180 - 190

Craft 10 x Barbaric Shoulders
You will need 80 x Heavy Leather, 10 x Cured Heavy Hide and 20 Fine Thread

190 - 200

Craft 10 x Guardian Gloves
You will need 40 x Heavy Leather, 10 x Cured Heavy Hide and 10 x Silken Thread

200 - 205

Craft 5 x Thick Armor Kit
You will need 25 x Thick Leather and 5 x Silken Thread

Artisan Leatherworking Leveling (225 β€” 300)

To increase your Leatherworking skill beyond level 225, you need to be level 35 or higher and learn Artisan Leatherworking skill from <Master Leatherworker> trainer.

Horde Master Leatherworker trainers:

Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas (at Camp Mojache)

Alliance Master Leatherworker trainers:

Drakk Stonehand in Hinterlands (at Aerie Peak)

205 - 260 Nightscape Armor Crafting

205 - 235

Craft 40 x Nightscape Headband
You will need 200 x Thick Leather and 80 x Silken Thread

235 - 250

Craft 15 x Nightscape Pants
You will need 210 x Thick Leather and 60 x Silken Thread

250 - 260

Craft 13 x Nightscape Boots
You will need 208 x Thick Leather and 26 x Heavy Silken Thread

260 - 290 Wicked Armor Crafting

Craft 33 x Wicked Leather Gauntlets
You will need 264 x Rugged Leather, 33 x Black Dye and 33 x Rune Thread

You can buy Pattern: Wicked Leather Gauntlets from:

<b>Horde</b> β€” Werg Thickblade in Tirisfal Glades (WPL border camp).
<b>Alliance</b> β€” Leonard Porter in Western Plaguelands (Chillwind Camp).

<b>Respawn timer is really long, but its possible to catch if you have no luck - get it from Auction House.</b>

290 - 300

Craft 10 x Runic Leather Headband
You will need 140 x Rugged Leather, 100 x Runecloth and 10 x Rune Thread

You can buy Pattern: Runic Leather Headband from neutral NPC in Eastern Plaguelands at Light's Hope Chapel called Jase Farlane.

<b>Respawn timer is really long, but its possible to catch if you have no luck - get it from Auction House.</b>

Thats it!

Gz, friend! Now you have your leatherworking ready for your adventures at 60! We hope that this guide was helpful to you!

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