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WoW Classic Engineering Leveling Guide (1-300)

Welcome to our Classic WoW Engineering Leveling Guide, designed to help you quickly and cost-effectively level your Engineering skill from 1 to 300.

Engineering is a powerful and useful profession when combined with Mining, allowing you to make some decent tools like grenades or target dummys.

Especially Engineering is useful on hardcore realms mostly because of Target Dummy’s and Grenades.

Approximate Materials Required:

1 - 75 Engineering Materials

60 x Rough Stone
66 x Copper Bar
30 x Linen Cloth

75 - 135 Engineering Materials

60 x Coarse Stone
5 x Silver Bar
50 x Bronze Bar
10 x Moss Agate

20 x Linen Cloth
25 x Weak Flux (Engineering Supplies vendor)

135 - 200 Engineering Materials

30 x Heavy Stone
120 x Solid Stone

60 x Bronze Bar
4 x Steel Bar
21 x Mithril Bar

15 x Medium Leather
60 x Wool Cloth

225 - 300 Engineering Materials

60 x Dense Stone
140 x Mithril Bar
225 x Thorium Bar

20 x Mageweave Cloth
35 x Runecloth

Engineering Materials Summary

60 x Rough Stone
60 x Coarse Stone
30 x Heavy Stone
120 x Solid Stone
60 x Dense Stone

66 x Copper Bar
5 x Silver Bar
110 x Bronze Bar
10 x Moss Agate
4 x Steel Bar
161 x Mithril Bar
225 x Thorium Bar

50 x Linen Cloth
60 x Wool Cloth
20 x Mageweave Cloth
35 x Runecloth

15 x Medium Leather

25 x Weak Flux (Engineering Supplies vendor)

Classic Engineering Trainers Locations in WoW Classic Era:

Apprentice Engineering Trainers ( 1 - 75 )

To start working on Engineering you need to become Apprentice Engineer by learning Apprentice Engineer skill. To do that you need to find Engineering trainer with <Journeyman Engineer> tag. That will allow you to make your way <b>up to 75 skill points</b>.

Horde Journeyman Engineer Trainers:

Thund in Orgrimmar
Mukdrak in Durotar (Razor Hill at Forge & Anvil corner)
Graham Van Talen in Undercity
Twizwick Sprocketgrind in Mulgore

Alliance Journeyman Engineer Trainers:

Jenna Lemkenilli in Darkshore (Auberdine)
Bronk Guzzlegear in Dun Morogh (Kharanos)
Deek Fizzlebizz in Loch Modan (West of Stonewrought Dam)
Jemma Quikswitch in Ironforge (at Tinker Town)
Sprite Jumpsprocket in Stormwind City (at the Dwarven District)

Neutral Journeyman Engineer Trainer:

Twizwick Sprocketgrind in Ratchet

Journeyman Engineering Trainers ( 75 - 150 )

To go above 75 skill points you need to become Journeyman Engineer by learning Journeyman Engineer skill. To do that you need to find Engineer trainer with <Expert Engineer> tag. That will allow you to make your way <b>up to 150 skill points</b>.

Horde Expert Engineer Trainers:

Nogg in Orgrimmar (at the Valley of Honor)
Franklin Lloyd in Undercity (at the Rogues Quarter)

Alliance Expert Engineer Trainers:

Lilliam Sparkspindle in Stormwind City (at the Dwarven District)
Trixie Quikswitch in Irenforge (at Tinker Town)
Finbus Geargrind in Duskwood (Darkshire)

Expert Engineering Trainers ( 150 - 225 )

To go above 150 skill points you need to become Expert Engineer by learning Expert Engineer skill. To do that you need to find Engineer trainer with <Artisan Engineer> tag. That will allow you to make your way <b>up to 225 skill points</b>.

Horde Artisan Engineer Trainer:

Roxxik in Orgrimmar (at the Valley of Honor)

Alliance Artisan Engineer Trainer:

Springspindle Fizzlegear in Ironforge (at Tinker Town)

Artisan Engineering Trainers ( 225 - 300 )

To go above 225 skill points you need to become Artisan Engineer by learning Artisan Engineer skill. To do that you need to find Engineer trainer with <Master Engineer> tag. That will allow you to make your way <b>up to 300 skill points</b>.

To level up engineering further you need to go to Buzzek Bracketswing in Tanaris (Gadgetzan), but there are 2 engineering specs in game: goblin engineering and gnome engineering.

Alliance Master Engineer Trainer:

Tinkmaster Overspark (Master Gnome Engineer) in Ironforge (at Tinker Town)

Neutral Master Engineer Trainer:

Oglethorpe Obnoticus (Master Gnome Engineer) in Stranglethorn Vale (Booty Bay)
Nixx Sprocketspring (Master Goblin Engineer) in Tanaris (Gadgetzan)
Vazario Linkgrease (Master Goblin Engineer) in Barrens (Ratchet)

Leveling Classic Era Engineering:

To start leveling Engineering you need to find one of the <Journeyman Engineer> trainers. You can find them here:

Horde Journeyman Engineer Trainers:

Thund in Orgrimmar
Mukdrak in Durotar (Razor Hill at Forge & Anvil corner)
Graham Van Talen in Undercity
Twizwick Sprocketgrind in Mulgore

Alliance Journeyman Engineer Trainers:

Jenna Lemkenilli in Darkshore (Auberdine)
Bronk Guzzlegear in Dun Morogh (Kharanos)
Deek Fizzlebizz in Loch Modan (West of Stonewrought Dam)
Jemma Quikswitch in Ironforge (at Tinker Town)
Sprite Jumpsprocket in Stormwind City (at the Dwarven District)

Neutral Journeyman Engineer Trainer:

Twizwick Sprocketgrind in Ratchet

1 - 75

You need to buy Blacksmith Hammer from the Blacksmith or Engineering supplies vendor, it should be near trainer. You also can get that from any general or trade goods vendors across the Azeroth.

1 - 30

Craft 60 x Rough Blasting Powder
You will need 60 x Rough Stone

You probably will reach 40 skill points with this recipe. But you will need the 60 x Rough Blasting Powder later, so keep these for step 51 - 75.

30 - 50

Craft 30 x Handful of Copper Bolts
You will need 30 x Copper Bar

Keep Handful of Copper Bolts for the step 51 - 75 as well.

50 - 51

Craft 1 x Arclight Spanner
You will need 6 x Copper Bar

You will need Arclight Spanner to craft engineering recipes afterwards, so <b>don't sell it</b>.

51 - 75

Craft 30 x Rough Copper Bomb
You will need 30 x Copper Bar, 30 x Handful of Copper Bolts, 60 x Rough Blasting Powder and 30 x Linen Cloth

Journeyman Engineering

To increase your Engineering skill beyond level 75, you need to be level 10 or higher and learn Journeyman Engineer skill from <Expert Engineer> trainer. You can find them here:

Horde Expert Engineer Trainers:

Nogg in Orgrimmar (at the Valley of Honor)
Franklin Lloyd in Undercity (at the Rogues Quarter)

Alliance Expert Engineer Trainers:

Lilliam Sparkspindle in Stormwind City (at the Dwarven District)
Trixie Quikswitch in Irenforge (at Tinker Town)
Finbus Geargrind in Duskwood (Darkshire)

75 - 135

75 - 90

Craft 60 x Coarse Blasting Powder
You will need 60 x Coarse Stone

Keep 60 x Coarse Blasting Powder for next step

90 - 100

Craft 20 x Coarse Dynamite
You will need 60 x Coarse Blasting Powder and 20 x Linen Cloth

100 - 105

Craft 5 x Silver Contact
You will need 5 x Silver Bar

If you are not lucky farming Silver Bar or its too expensive on Auction House, you can craft:

5 x Flying Tiger Goggles
You will need 30 x Light Leather and 10 x Tigerseye

105 - 125

Craft 25 x Bronze Tube
You will need 50 x Bronze Bar and 25 x Weak Flux (Engineering Supplies vendor)

125 - 135

Craft 10 x Standard Scope
You will need 10 x Bronze Tube and 10 x Moss Agate

Expert Engineering

To increase your Engineering skill beyond level 150, you need to be level 20 or higher and learn Expert Engineer skill from <Artisan Engineer> trainer. You can find them here:

Horde Artisan Engineer Trainer:

Roxxik in Orgrimmar (at the Valley of Honor)

Alliance Artisan Engineer Trainer:

Springspindle Fizzlegear in Ironforge (at Tinker Town)

135 - 200

135 - 145

Craft 30 x Heavy Blasting Powder
You will need 30 x Heavy Stone

Keep 30 x Heavy Blasting Powder for later (160 - 175), so <b>don't sell that</b>.

145 - 150

Craft 15 x Whirring Bronze Gizmo
You will need 30 x Bronze Bar and 15 x Wool Cloth

Keep 15 x Whirring Bronze Gizmo for later (160 - 175), so <b>don't sell that</b>.

150 - 160

Craft 15 x Bronze Framework
You will need 30 x Bronze Bar, 15 x Medium Leather and 15 x Wool Cloth

Keep 15 x Bronze Framework for later (160 - 175), so <b>don't sell that</b>.

160 - 175

Craft 15 x Explosive Sheep
You will need 30 x Heavy Blasting Powder, 15 x Whirring Bronze Gizmo, 15 x Bronze Framework and 30 x Wool Cloth

175 - 176

Craft 1 x Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor
You will need 4 x Steel Bar

<b>Keep that for engineering recipes crafts.</b>

176 - 195

Craft 60 x Solid Blasting Powder
You will need 120 x Solid Stone

Keep 60 x Solid Blasting Powder for later steps ( <b>200 - 215</b> and <b>238 - 250</b> )

195 - 200

Craft 7 x Mithril Tube
You will need 21 x Mithril Bar

If you want to go Gnome Engineering - keep 6 x Mithril Tube

Artisan Engineering

To increase your Engineering skill beyond level 225, you need to be level 35 or higher and learn Artisan Engineer skill from <Master Engineer> trainer.

Buzzek Bracketswing can be found in Tanaris (Gadgetzan).
He is only guy you can learn the Artisan Engineer skill.

Also now you have specialisation options to choose between Gnome Engineering and Goblin Engineering. We will have separate guide about specialisations.

200 - 250

200 - 215

Craft 20 x Unstable Trigger
You will need 20 x Mithril Bar, 20 x Mageweave Cloth and 20 x Solid Blasting Powder

Save 20 x Unstable Trigger for step <b>238 - 250</b>

215 - 238

Craft 40 x Mithril Casing
You will need 120 x Mithril Bar

Save 40 x Mithril Casing for step <b>238 - 250</b>

238 - 250

Craft 20 x Hi-Explosive Bomb
You will need 40 x Mithril Casing, 20 x Unstable Trigger and 40 x Solid Blasting Powder

250 - 300

250 - 260

Craft 30 x Dense Blasting Powder
You will need 60 x Dense Stone

260 - 285

Craft 35 x Thorium Widget
You will need 105 x Thorium Bar and 35 x Runecloth

Schematic: Thorium Widget can be bought from NPCs:

Gearcutter Cogspinner (in Ironforge)
Sovik (in Orgrimmar)

285 - 300

Craft 20 x Thorium Tube
You will need 120 x Thorium Bar

Thats it!

Gz, friend! Now you have your engineering ready for your adventures at 60!
We hope that this guide was helpful to you!

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