WoW Classic Herbalism Leveling Guide (1-300)
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0 Simple Steps to Get Your Herbalism to 300 in WoW Classic
This guide for leveling Herbalism in Classic WoW outlines the quickest route to take your Herbalism skill from 1 to 300.
Herbalism pairs effectively with Alchemy, allowing you to gather herbs and craft potions or elixirs. If you're interested in leveling your Alchemy skill as well, be sure to explore my Classic WoW Alchemy leveling guide. However, please note that this Herbalism guide is optimized for swift profession advancement, and the herbs you gather may not always be ideal for Alchemy.
Classic WoW Herbalism Trainer Locations
Horde Herblism Trainers:
Jandi in Orgrimmar
Martha Alliestar in Undercity
Komin Winterhoof in Thunder Bluff
Faruza in Tirisfal Glades
Mishiki in Durotar
Angrun in Stranglethorn Vale
Aranae Venomblood in Hillsbrad Foothills
Alliance Herbalism Trainers:
Tannysa in Stormwind City
Reyna Stonebranch in Ironforge
Firodren Mooncaller in Darnassus
Herbalist Pomeroy in Elwyn Forest
Kali Healtouch in Loch Modan
Cylania Rootstalker in Ashenvale
Telurinon Moonshadow in Wetlands
Brant Jasperbloom in Dustwallow Marsh
Alma Jainrose in Redridge Mountains
Leveling Your Herbalism Skill
1 - 70
You can follow the route to gather herbs with great efficiency.
Watch out for: Peacebloom, Silverleaf and Earthroot
Go to Herbalism trainer as soon as you will get your Herbalism skill up to 70 points.
Here you can check best routes to level up your Herbalism up to 70 skill point.
Tirisfal Glades
Elwynn Forest
Dun Morogh
75 - 115
Learn Journeyman Herbalist if you didn't do that yet.
You should focus on Mageroyal, Briarthorn and Stranglekelp.
Stranglekelp is available from 85 skill points of Herbalism.
If you are leveling Alchemy - you gonna herb lots of Briarthorn.
Here you can check best routes to level up your Herbalism up to 115 skill point.
Silverpine Forest
Loch Modan
115 - 170
<b>Don't forget to visit Herbalism trainer when you reach 150 skill points!</b>
On the way 115 - 170 you should look for: Bruiseweed, Wild Steelbloom, Stranglekelp, Kingsblood and Liferoot.
Kingsblood requires herbalism 125, and Liferoot requires herbalism 150, so you can't pick them right away.
Here you can check best routes to level up your Herbalism up to 170 skill point, please follow red route when you reach 150 skill points.
Hillsbrad Foothills
Stonetalon Mountains
170 - 205
Follow the route and look for herbs:
Kingsblood, Liferoot, Fadeleaf, Goldthorn and Khadgar's Whisker.
If you are leveling Alchemy - focus more on Goldthorn its very useful to have more of them.
Khadgar's Whisker requires herbalism 185, so be careful and look at the minimap tooltip.
Stranglethorn Vale
Arathi Highlands
205 - 230
Visit your trainer and learn Artisan Herbalism.
Look for herbs: Purple Lotus and Firebloom.
Searing Gorge
230 - 270
Best location to level your Herbalism is Hinterlands.
Herbs you should look for:
Sungrass, Purple Lotus, Ghost Mushroom and Golden Sansam
Ghost Mushroom are available at 245 skill points, caves with Mushrooms are highlighted.
If you are leveling alchemy - you can skip Ghost Mushrooms.
The Hinterlands
270 - 300
To finish up Herbalism best location to pick is Felwood.
You can pick everything, so Herbs are:
Sungrass, Gromsblood, Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage and Plaguebloom
Thats it!
Gz, friend! Your Herbalism skill is 300 and now you are ready to farm some Black Lotuses ;)