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WoW Classic Tailoring Leveling Guide (1-300)

Welcome to our Classic WoW Tailoring Guide, thoughtfully crafted to aid you in the efficient and cost-effective progression of your Tailoring skill from 1 to 300 in Classic Era realms.

Tailoring seamlessly complements the gathering of materials, enabling you to save gold by collecting your own fabrics and threads rather than relying on the Auction House.

Please, while you are following our guide - pay attention to our recommendations to not forget to gather enough materials and patterns.

Approximate Materials Required:

1 โ€” 75 Tailoring Materials:

204 x Linen Cloth
55 x Coarse Thread

75 - 125 Tailoring Materials:

135 x Wool Cloth
43 x Fine Thread

125 - 225 Tailoring Materials:

804 x Silk Cloth (41 stack)
470 x Mageweave Cloth (24 stacks)

83 x Fine Thread
20 x Silken Thread
5 x Heavy Silken Thread

36 x Blue Dye
10 x Bleach
60 x Red Dye
5 x Orange Dye

225 - 300 Tailoring Materials:

1195 x Runecloth (100 stacks)

108 x Rugged Leather
66 x Heavy Silken Thread
61 x Rune Thread

Pattern: Runecloth Bag
Pattern: Runecloth Gloves

Summary (1 - 300 Tailoring Materials WoW Classic Era)

204 x Linen Cloth
135 x Wool Cloth
804 x Silk Cloth (41 stack)
470 x Mageweave Cloth (24 stacks)
1195 x Runecloth (100 stacks)

55 x Coarse Thread
126 x Fine Thread
20 x Silken Thread
71 x Heavy Silken Thread
61 x Rune Thread

36 x Blue Dye
10 x Bleach
60 x Red Dye
5 x Orange Dye

108 x Rugged Leather

Pattern: Runecloth Bag
Pattern: Runecloth Gloves

Tailoring Trainers Locations in WoW Classic Era:

Apprentice Tailoring Trainers (1 โ€” 75)

To begin your Tailoring journey (1 - 75), you need to be level 5 or higher and learn Apprentice Tailor skill from <Journeyman Tailor> trainer.

Horde Journeyman Tailor Trainers:

Bowen Brisboise in Tirisfal Glades (in a house nearby the bridge on the road from Deathkneel to Brill)
Kil'hala in Barrens (Crossroads South Entrance)
Snang in Orgrimmar (the Drag)
Victor Ward in Undercity (inner circle of the Magic Quarter)
Vhan in Thunder Bluff

Alliance Journeyman Tailor Trainers:

Eldrin in Elwynn Forest (in a house at the Eastvale Logging Camp)
Lawrence Schneider in Stormwind (at the Mage Quarter)
Uthrar Threx in Ironforge (south side of the Great Forge)
Trianna in Darnassus (Craftsmen's Terrace)
Grondal Moonbreeze in Darkshore (Auberdine)

Journeyman Tailoring Trainers (75 โ€” 150)

To increase your Tailoring skill beyond level 75, you need to be level 10 or higher and learn Journeyman Tailor skill from <Expert Tailor> trainer.

Horde Expert Tailor Trainers:

Magar in Orgrimmar (the Drag)
Rhiannon Davis in Undercity (at inner circle of the Magic Quarter)
Mahani in the Barrens (Camp Taurajo)
Tepa in Thunder Bluff

Alliance Expert Tailor Trainers:

Sellandus in Stormwind City (Mage Quarter)
Jormund Stonebrow in Ironforge (south side of the Great Forge)
Me'lynn in Darnassus (Craftsmen's Terrace)

Neutral Expert Tailor Trainers:

Grarnik Goodstitch in Stranglethorn Vale (Booty Bay)

Artisan Tailoring Trainers (150 โ€” 225)

To increase your Tailoring skill beyond level 150, you need to be level 20 or higher and learn Expert Tailor skill from <Artisan Tailor> trainer.

Horde Artisan Tailor Trainers:

Josef Gregorian in Undercity (Magic Quarter)

Alliance Artisan Tailor Trainers:

Georgio Bolero in Stormwind (Mage Quarter)

Master Tailoring Trainers (225 โ€” 300)

To increase your Tailoring skill beyond level 225, you need to be level 35 or higher and learn Artisan Tailor skill from <Master Tailor> trainer.

Horde Master Tailor Trainers:

Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills (Tarren Mill)

Alliance Master Tailor Trainers:

Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow March (at the Theramore Isle)

Leveling Classic Era Tailoring (1 โ€” 75):

1 - 75

1 - 45

Craft 104 x Bolt of Linen Cloth
You will need 204 x Linen Cloth (11 stacks)

45 - 70

Craft 40 x Linen Belt
You will need 40 x Bolt of Linen Cloth and 40 x Coarse Thread

70 - 75

Craft 5 x Reinforced Linen Cape
You will need 10 x Bolt of Linen Cloth and 15 x Coarse Thread

Journeyman Tailoring Leveling

To increase your Tailoring skill beyond level 75, you need to be level 10 or higher and learn Journeyman Tailor skill from <Expert Tailor> trainer.

Horde Expert Tailor Trainers:

Magar in Orgrimmar (the Drag)
Rhiannon Davis in Undercity (at inner circle of the Magic Quarter)
Mahani in the Barrens (Camp Taurajo)
Tepa in Thunder Bluff

Alliance Expert Tailor Trainers:

Sellandus in Stormwind City (Mage Quarter)
Jormund Stonebrow in Ironforge (south side of the Great Forge)
Me'lynn in Darnassus (Craftsmen's Terrace)

Neutral Expert Tailor Trainers:

Grarnik Goodstitch in Stranglethorn Vale (Booty Bay)

75 - 125

75 - 100

Craft 45 x Bolt of Woolen Cloth
You will need 135 x Wool Cloth (7 stacks)

100 - 110

Craft 13 x Simple Kilt
You will need 52 x Bolt of Linen Cloth and 13 x Fine Thread

110 - 125

Craft 15 x Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders
You will need 45 x Bolt of Woolen Cloth and 30 x Fine Thread

Expert Tailoring Leveling

To increase your Tailoring skill beyond level 150, you need to be level 20 or higher and learn Expert Tailor skill from <Artisan Tailor> trainer.

Horde Artisan Tailor Trainers:

Josef Gregorian in Undercity (Magic Quarter)

Alliance Artisan Tailor Trainers:

Georgio Bolero in Stormwind (Mage Quarter)

125 - 220

125 - 145

Craft 201 x Bolt of Silk Cloth
You will need 804 x Silk Cloth (41 stack)

145 - 160

Craft 18 x Azure Silk Hood
You will need 36 x Bolt of Silk Cloth, 36 x Blue Dye and 18 x Fine Thread

160 - 170

Craft 10 x Silk Headband
You will need 30 x Bolt of Silk Cloth and 20 x Fine Thread

170 - 175

Craft 5 x Formal White Shirt
You will need 15 x Bolt of Silk Cloth, 10 x Bleach and 5 x Fine Thread

175 - 185

Craft 94 x Bolt of Mageweave
You will need 470 x Mageweave Cloth (24 stacks)

185 - 205

Craft 20 x Crimson Silk Vest
You will need 80 x Bolt of Silk Cloth, 40 x Red Dye and 40 x Fine Thread

205 - 215

Craft 10 x Crimson Silk Pantaloons
You will need 40 x Bolt of Silk Cloth, 20 x Red Dye and 20 x Silken Thread

215 - 220

Craft 5 x Orange Mageweave Shirt
You will need 5 x Bolt of Mageweave, 5 x Orange Dye and 5 x Heavy Silken Thread

Artisan Tailoring Leveling

To increase your Tailoring skill beyond level 225, you need to be level 35 or higher and learn Artisan Tailor skill from <Master Tailor> trainer.

Horde Master Tailor Trainers:

Daryl Stack in Hillsbrad Foothills (Tarren Mill)

Alliance Master Tailor Trainers:

Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow March (at the Theramore Isle)

220 - 260

220 - 230

Craft 10 x Black Mageweave Gloves
You will need 20 x Bolt of Mageweave and 20 x Heavy Silken Thread

230 - 250

Craft 23 x Black Mageweave Headband
You will need 69 x Bolt of Mageweave and 46 x Heavy Silken Thread

250 - 260

Craft 239 x Bolt of Runecloth
You will need 1195 x Runecloth (100 stacks)

260 - 300

260 - 280

Craft 25 x Runecloth Belt
You will need 75 x Bolt of Runecloth and 25 x Rune Thread

280 - 290

Craft 18 x Runecloth Bag
You will need 90 x Bolt of Runecloth, 36 x Rugged Leather and 18 x Rune Thread

You can buy Pattern: Runecloth Bag from Qia in Winterspring (Everlook Bank building) as well as Pattern: Runecloth Gloves (for the final step). If you are unlucky or its impossible to get ther due to low lvl - feel free to check Auction House.

290 - 300

Craft 18 x Runecloth Gloves
You will need 72 x Bolt of Runecloth, 72 x Rugged Leather and 18 x Rune Thread

Thats it!

Gz, friend! Now you have your tailoring ready for your adventures at 60! We hope that this guide was helpful to you!

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