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Mageweave Cloth


Mageweave Cloth crafts

Mageweave Cloth is used for a single craft.

Why Farm Mageweave Cloth

Leveling Professions

Mageweave Cloth is a critical material for leveling Tailoring and First Aid. Tailors use it to craft Mageweave Bolts, which are then used to create various cloth armor pieces. It’s also essential for crafting Mageweave Bandages for First Aid.

Steady Income

Since Mageweave Cloth is constantly in demand, it can be sold for a decent price on the Auction House. Players farming Mageweave can accumulate a large number of stacks relatively quickly, providing a steady source of income.

Additional Loot

Many of the mobs that drop Mageweave Cloth also drop valuable items like greens, patterns, and even reputation items. Farming Mageweave can lead to a variety of useful loot beyond just the cloth itself.

Top Farming Spots for Mageweave Cloth

Tanaris — Dunemaul Ogres

The Dunemaul Ogres in western Tanaris are one of the best sources for Mageweave Cloth. They have a high drop rate, and their camps are densely populated, making it easy to farm large amounts in a short time. The ogres are easy to kill, especially for higher-level characters. They don’t run away when low on health, making them convenient targets. Players have reported collecting up to 8-9 stacks in less than an hour.

Tanaris Mageweave Cloth Farming Locations - Dunemaul Ogres
Tanaris Mageweave Cloth Farming Locations - Dunemaul Ogres

Tanaris — Southsea Pirates

Another excellent spot in Tanaris is the Southsea Pirate camps. These mobs are closely grouped and respawn quickly, making them ideal for AoE farming. AoE abilities are highly effective due to the dense grouping of pirates. Farming pirates also grants Gadgetzan reputation, which can be useful for certain rewards. Many players prefer this spot because it offers additional loot, such as Volatile Rum.

Tanaris Mageweave Cloth Farming Locations - Southsea Pirates
Tanaris Mageweave Cloth Farming Locations - Southsea Pirates

The Hinterlands — The Altar of Zul

The Vilebranch Trolls at The Altar of Zul in The Hinterlands drop Mageweave Cloth at a good rate. This location is especially popular for players farming both cloth and Wildvine. The trolls are tightly packed, making them ideal for AoE farming. The area also contains solid chests, offering a chance at additional loot.

The Hinterlands Mageweave Cloth Farming Locations - The Altar of Zul
The Hinterlands Mageweave Cloth Farming Locations - The Altar of Zul

Felwood — Deadwood Furbolgs

The Deadwood Furbolgs in southern Felwood offer another good farming location. These mobs not only drop Mageweave Cloth but also grant reputation with the Timbermaw Hold faction. Killing furbolgs helps raise Timbermaw Hold reputation, which is necessary for certain quests and rewards. AoE classes can benefit from the clustered groups of furbolgs.

Felwood Mageweave Cloth Farming Locations - Deadwood Furbolgs
Felwood Mageweave Cloth Farming Locations - Deadwood Furbolgs

Feralas — Woodpaw Gnolls

Southwest of Camp Mojache in Feralas, the Woodpaw Gnolls are known for their consistent Mageweave Cloth drops. This area is large and contains a high density of mobs. The gnolls often drop 1-3 pieces of cloth per kill. This spot is less crowded compared to Tanaris, making it ideal for uninterrupted farming.

Feralas Mageweave Cloth Farming Locations - Woodpaw Gnolls
Feralas Mageweave Cloth Farming Locations - Woodpaw Gnolls

Dungeon Farming for Mageweave Cloth

Zul’Farrak (Tanaris)

Zul’Farrak is a great dungeon for farming Mageweave Cloth. The mobs here are humanoids and have a decent drop rate. High-level players can solo the dungeon quickly, collecting large amounts of cloth in one run. Be prepared for groups of mobs that can be AoE farmed.

Sunken Temple (Swamp of Sorrows)

Another dungeon worth considering is Sunken Temple. The humanoid mobs inside have a reasonable chance of dropping Mageweave Cloth.

General Tips for Farming Mageweave Cloth

Focus on Humanoid Mobs

Mageweave Cloth primarily drops from humanoid enemies. Stick to areas populated by humanoids for the best results.

Bring Empty Bags

Mageweave Cloth farming can quickly fill up your inventory. Bring as many empty bags as possible to maximize your farming efficiency.

Use AoE Abilities

Classes with strong Area of Effect (AoE) abilities, such as Mages and Warlocks, excel at farming Mageweave Cloth due to the high density of mobs in many farming locations.

Check Auction House Prices

Before committing to a farming session, check the Auction House to see if the current prices make farming Mageweave Cloth worthwhile. Prices can vary depending on server population and demand.

Profit Maximization with Mageweave Cloth

Crafting Mageweave Bandages

Players with First Aid can maximize their profits by crafting Mageweave Bandages. These bandages are always in demand for healing during combat and can often be sold for more than the raw cloth itself.

Focus on Mageweave Bandage instead of Heavy Mageweave Bandage because its more profitable!

Crafting Bolts for Tailoring

Tailors can craft Mageweave Bolts, which are used to create various armor pieces and bags. By converting raw cloth into bolts, you may gain more profit, especially if you craft items that are in high demand on your server.

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