WoW Classic Mining Leveling Guide (1-300)
Welcome to our Classic WoW Mining Leveling Guide, tailored to assist you in efficiently and economically leveling your Mining skill from 1 to 300.
Mining stands as a highly valued profession that pairs perfectly with Engineering, providing you with the essential materials to craft impactful items such as explosives and gear enhancements.
Particularly in hardcore realms, Mining becomes crucial, supplying the raw materials for indispensable Engineering creations like Target Dummies and Grenades that can give you an edge in challenging situations.
Classic Mining Trainers Locations in WoW Classic Era:
Horde Trainers
Brek Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff, in a building on the west side.
Krunn at Razor Hill in Durotar, by the forge on the northeast side.
Makaru is at Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar.
Brom Killian at the War Quarter in Undercity.
Johan Focht in the Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest.
Alliance Trainers
Brock Stoneseeker at Thelsamar in Loch Modan.
Dank Drizzlecut at Gol'Bolar Quarry in Dun Morogh.
Matt Johnson at Darkshire in Duskwood.
Geofram Bouldertoe at The Great Forge in Ironforge.
Gelman Stonehand at the Dwarven District in Stormwind City.
Yarr Hammerstone at Steelgrill's Depot in Dun Morogh.
Kurdram Stonehammer at Auberdine in Darkshore.
Classic Mining Leveling
1 - 65
In every starting area, Copper Ore is abundant, so the choice of starting zone is flexible.
However, Night Elf adventurers will need to venture to Darkshore to begin their mining journey, as Teldrassil is devoid of Copper Ore.
Remember to purchase a Mining Pick from the Mining Supply vendor situated close to your trainer. While there's no need to equip it, keeping one in your inventory is essential.
Feel free to jump into caves because of enormous amount of veins.
Feel free to jump into caves because of enormous amount of veins. East Mulgore has separate cave exit.
Tirisfal Glades
Elvynn Forest
Feel free to jump into caves because of enormous amount of veins.
Dun Morogh
Feel free to jump into caves because of enormous amount of veins.
65 - 125
Head to your trainer to acquire the Journeyman Mining skill once you've reached a Mining level of 50 or higher.
You will find Tin Ore, Copper Ore, and Silver Ore in the designated mining zones.
Upon reaching skill level 75, you'll have the opportunity to learn the smelting of Silver Ore, which can be a useful method to increase your Mining skill up to 125. Both Silver Ore and Silver Bars have similar market values, so consider purchasing the ore to smelt into bars, which you can then sell at the auction house for a profit.
Hillsbrad Foothills
Feel free to jump into caves because of enormous amount of veins.
Redridge Mountains
125 - 175
Go to your mining trainer and learn the Expert Mining once you've enhanced your Mining skill to a minimum of 125.
In these territories, you'll find deposits of Iron Ore, Tin Ore, and Gold Ore.
Upon reaching a Mining skill level of 155, you'll be eligible to learn the process of Gold Ore smelting. Procure approximately 30 Gold Ores and refine them; this activity is expected to advance your skill to about 175. Follow a similar approach with Silver Ores: acquire, smelt, and then sell the ingots at the Auction House for profit.
Arathi Highlands
Thousand Needles
175 - 245
Remember to head back to your Mining trainer to upgrade to Artisan Mining once you hit a skill level of 225! (Ensure your Mining level is at least 200 before you do this.)
In these specific zones, you will come across Mithril Ore and Truesilver Ore.
The Hinterlands
Lower level players are advised to avoid the red route, as it is populated with level 62 elite enemies. Additionally, it may be wise for those at lower levels to bypass the cave indicated by a red arrow on the map, though this decision can vary based on your gear and class.
Players who are not yet level 60 should avoid the four caves that are marked with red arrows.
245 - 275
In these areas, you will find Mithril Ore, Truesilver Ore, and Thorium Ore.
Un'Goro Crater
In the two caves indicated by the red arrows on the map, you'll find 2-3 mineral veins.
For lower-level players, it's advisable to avoid the southern cave, though this decision should be based on your current level, gear, and class.
ypically, the cave marked with a red arrow contains two mining nodes. Venturing inside is beneficial as the cave isn't overly extensive, and it hosts a limited number of mobs. If you're of a higher level, you can navigate past some of them without drawing aggro.
However, I suggest avoiding the other two caves at Jaednar, particularly Shadow Hold, unless you have stealth capabilities, which might make exploring them worthwhile.
275 - 300
In these zones, you'll find Thorium Ore and Mithril Ore. Additionally, you are now able to mine Rich Thorium Veins.
Un'Goro Crater
This route is similar to the earlier Un'Goro path, with the addition of Rich Thorium Veins now included.
Eastern Plaguelands
The red line area is populated with level 57-58 elite mobs. If your gear is not up to par, it's advisable to avoid this section entirely, unless you possess stealth abilities. With a bit of practice, it's possible to navigate this area while only drawing the attention of a few enemies.
Red path only for lvl 60 players