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Elixir of Lesser Agility

🧪 Consumable, crafted by Alchemy profession 140 165 185 205

How to Craft Elixir of Lesser Agility

Elixir of Lesser Agility is possible to craft with Alchemy, but you need to get the recipe first. Its possible to drop this recipe and you can find the ways how to get Elixir of Lesser Agility Recipe on this page.

Ingredients required for Elixir of Lesser Agility:

Elixir of Lesser Agility: Sharpen Your Skills

The Elixir of Lesser Agility is a sought-after potion among WoW's melee and ranged fighters for its agility-boosting properties.

Crafting the Potion

Alchemist's Recipe

To brew this elixir, alchemists need Wild Steelbloom, Swiftthistle, and an Leaded Vial. These ingredients synergize to enhance the drinker's agility.

Agility Augmentation

It's commonly used by rogues and hunters to improve their dexterity, increasing their chance to hit and dodge attacks.

Battlefield Benefits

Enhanced Combat Performance

Employ this elixir to better maneuver in combat, critical for both PvE challenges and PvP encounters.

Strategic Selling

Not a rogue or hunter? The Auction House often has buyers keen on the agility boost for their adventures.

In World of Warcraft, the Elixir of Lesser Agility is a key to swift movements and precise strikes for those looking to maximize their combat capabilities.

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